Easy Way to Find Vile Slime Wow

  1. #41

    Alnilam81 is offline

    Stood in the Fire

    I camped and killed it earlier this week, did the whole quest in a single evening. I saw the slime spawn twice within 2-3 hours without realm hopping at all. I missed the first as was briefly distracted but it spawned agin about an hour later. I posted a group on LFG too as it hadn't been pulled, of course one idiot joins and pulls it straight away so only one other Paladin managed to join and get a tag...

    The fishing took me maybe 200-300 casts.

    Gotta say though, some people are bloody awful at camping stuff, so many times I see multiple people completely miss stuff as they're afk. Got one of the hardest Kosumoth orbs (a cross realm one) within 5 mins on the first day it was figured out (when it was hard) because the other 6 or so people camping it were just chatting away. It spawned, I clicked it, and went on the the next, don't think they even realised it had spawned.

  2. #42

    Acelius is offline

    The Lightbringer Acelius's Avatar

    You should have tried when it was also a faction, 5-man tag. You have it easy now.

  3. #43

    darkphiba is offline

    Blademaster darkphiba's Avatar

    agree with poundcake, still not got my prot hidden skin, but got holy and ashbringer in one evening, a little group/server hopping to find the slime, then just spammed fishing for a while, bingo.

    the problem still lies with how your prioritising your time when you play, you either want the skin or you want the AP. I work full time, have a family, and spend very little time on wow, zero legendaries but 2 hidden skins, it is what it is.

  4. #44

    Leyre is offline

    The Lightbringer Leyre's Avatar

    this Jaylock wannabes are becoming more and more boring

  5. #45

    Lol and here i was thinking they shortened the spawn time, but instead I just got hella lucky i guess. When I was doing it, I flew to that place, saw nothing and went off. When i logged on the next day, the slime was there (so essentially i waited less than a minute). Few weeks ago i flew by and saw it there again, nobody camping or anything, so I thought they already shortened the spawn time, but It looks like i was just very lucky the second time. I imagine realm hopping is a bit more successful nowadays that plenty of palas already have it or gave up on it.

  6. #46

    Quote Originally Posted by Zmago View Post

    That is the price you have to pay in order to wield a cursed blade. :P
    Also: the price of the bit of exclusivity the skin gives you.

    tee hee hee hee gut the shard. now I'm COMPLETE! giggle miggle! hyhyhyhy!

  7. #47

    Matrlx is offline

    Stood in the Fire Matrlx's Avatar

    took me 10 min to find the slime and while i was fishing it spawned 3 times i was able to form groups for 2 times , but it took me 2560 Cast to fish the shard more like 7 hours non stop, i hope they can increase the chance for fishing the shard which is the real torment

  8. #48

    sharkmode is offline


    Thought I could level up my fishing while doing the quest, only got to 27 :\

  9. #49

    SirBeef is offline

    Banned SirBeef's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by Annie Mee View Post

    It is horrible thing that promotes toxic gameplay and almost constant camping one spot. How is it fun, it is unhealthy and wrong. Spawn should be regular, you kill it get, and in minute it spawns again. One tjing is to kill boss and have a chance for a drop rate whil eyou do content and the other is waiting for some slime. I'm waiting 3 days already, I can't be there 24h/7d but come on

    I hung out and fished after I got mine, exactly at 11am EST, then for the next three hours every 15 min it spawned. Not sure how long it continued to spawn becasue I left after i was done fishing. Plus Group Finder makes it easier to find one. But seriously the slime is guaranteed to respawn on server reset.

  10. #50

    Venters is offline

    High Overlord Venters's Avatar

    So did I just use up all of my luck completing this questline in about 30 mins?

  11. #51

    Simca is offline

    Data Monster Simca's Avatar

    I was extremely lucky with both parts. Camped slime for an hour with like 50 other people, got bored, logged off to an alt, came back an hour later and nobody was there and the slime was up. Must have been a CRZ swap. Then, afterwards, for the fishing part, I got it in 31 casts.

    My luck balanced out because I got Sephuz and Prydaz for legendaries, as Holy. :<

  12. #52

    Ssateneth is offline


    Quote Originally Posted by Nymrohd View Post

    So you found it in 5mins of being toxic to people trying to make groups?

    Realm hopping addons only join groups that have automatic invite enabled. If groups don't want to deal with realm hoppers, they don't enable automatic invite.

    Problem solved.

  13. #53

    luciphear is offline

    Field Marshal luciphear's Avatar

    this fishing slowly eats my brain... drives me insane...

  14. #54

    Hey guys

    Idk if it matters but I got my hidden artifact for tank first and then did the 200 world quest achivement and then I got access to corrupted ashbringer and the hidden artifact on holy (purple color) :P

  15. #55

    luciphear is offline

    Field Marshal luciphear's Avatar

    1743 casts and several hours later i finally got it, geez dont know if i should hate or love blizzard for their sense of sarcasm...

  16. #56

    meroko is offline

    Pit Lord meroko's Avatar

    The slime is the easiest part. Just server hop and if that doesn't work, you can come back into your server and force a zone refresh. CRZ tech works in that if there are more than 200 in one zone, then a new copy is created. If you keep hopping and coming back to your realm, eventually you will drop in a "fresh" copy where the slime will already be waiting. It literally took me 5 mins doing it this way. You may take a bit longer but the method is full proof and certainly easier than camping the same place.

    The fishing part is the real bitch imo, cause fishing is boring.

  17. #57

    Lucetia is offline

    Moderator Lucetia's Avatar

    Quote Originally Posted by meroko View Post

    The slime is the easiest part. Just server hop and if that doesn't work, you can come back into your server and force a zone refresh. CRZ tech works in that if there are more than 200 in one zone, then a new copy is created. If you keep hopping and coming back to your realm, eventually you will drop in a "fresh" copy where the slime will already be waiting. It literally took me 5 mins doing it this way. You may take a bit longer but the method is full proof and certainly easier than camping the same place.

    The fishing part is the real bitch imo, cause fishing is boring.

    I've literally tried this at least twice a week for the past several months and still can't ever get the slime up. I see a bunch of people always camping regardless of shard, but the whole "server hop fixes the problem" doesn't always work and you still have to be lucky.

  18. #58

    Quote Originally Posted by Lucetia View Post

    I've literally tried this at least twice a week for the past several months and still can't ever get the slime up. I see a bunch of people always camping regardless of shard, but the whole "server hop fixes the problem" doesn't always work and you still have to be lucky.

    and now imagine that this is not even the worst part you got to fish afterwards with no bad luck protection with a less than 1% probability of getting it. And the best part is if you forget to deactivate the auto loot because it won´t loot the cristal

  19. #59

    Pattiecakes is offline

    The Patient

    Quote Originally Posted by CptKnusper View Post

    and now imagine that this is not even the worst part you got to fish afterwards with no bad luck protection with a less than 1% probability of getting it. And the best part is if you forget to deactivate the auto loot because it won´t loot the cristal

    Wait... what? Autoloot doesn't pick up the crystal? Who's the unlucky sod that figured that out?

  20. #60

    Volitar is offline

    Immortal Volitar's Avatar

    Well since they forced cross realm zones camping on your own realm is actually horrendous because you have a chance to never actually see it spawn. Wait for 20 mins>get auto moved into a new CRZ>camp 20 mins>get auto moved into a new CRZ>repeat.

    Fucking cancer.

    Hi Sephurik


Source: https://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/2132457-Corrupted-Ashbringer-large-vile-slime-is-TOXIC!/page3

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